Thursday, April 28, 2011

Trip to the Circus

The sign outside the circus
displayed the admission price

Grandma Marcella and Grandma Carol take Sofia and Sarah to the Circus.  Marcella speaks only Czech and Carol speaks only English.  Since their bi-lingual granddaughter Sofia speaks both languages they relied on her to translate Czech to English and vice versa. It is amazing how  body language becomes so important when you don't speak another's language.
The Jo-Joo Circus was the first
 National Circus to come to
the Czech Republic 

Music is playing and circus people are yelling, "Get your balloons and popcorn here!" as the crowd enters the big tent.  When inside, drums begin to roll letting us know it is time for the action to start. 

Sarah and Sofia (Left to Right) 
their expressions tell it all! 

In the center of the tent was a large circular arena.  The music started and a parade of clowns, acrobats, dancers, and animal trainers led their animals (dogs, lamas, tigers, horses around the big arena.  Oh,  and yes, two people were carrying a huge snake.  Marcella and I hid our eyes until the parade ended.  Sofia and Sarah didn't miss a minute of the activities.


Mr. Slinky dancing to
Richard Strauss'
"Thus Spake Zarathustra" 

Mr. Slinky was the hit of the circus;  the girls were fascinated and mesmerized, the two grandmothers were as well.  Who knew that a Slinky would be the most talked about part of the circus.  The animal tricks and the tiger have lost  some serious ground to technology! (Since my Mr. Slinky photo was to dark, I relied on the Internet).

Grandma Marcella sharing
 with the girls

 Grandma Marcella had to explain why time flies when you're havin' fun.  It  all ended to soon!  Ahhh!

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