Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chick Chick Here Everywhere a Chick Chick

Diversity on the farm
Apparently, the Czechs have a naming policy that includes only those certified to remain on the farm.  So far, that includes the family members, the goats, and a cat.
At the left are duck duck, poppa silky, and momma silky (names Carol and I bestowed to give them a little piece of mind.)  This is how they overwinter in the barn; they have since sought free-range refuge on the pasture, however, word has it that if momma silky doesn't soon show signs of wanting to set on some eggs, her next residency will be below freezing sans feathers -- apparently there is an unspoken policy about everyone having gainful employment (or else).

Will on guard duty
  The cat "Will" is accessing his bedroom where he, Duck Duck, and Mr. & Mrs. Silky, without animus, cohabitate.  (Since our arrival, no one has uttered a word about "Grace" who left Will for some other tomcat in the village.)  Will spends some 18-hours a day demicing the farm and sleeps only when rays of sun penetrate the patio and warm his favorite chair. 

The (?Nameless?) Turkey
Now, this is turkey turkey, interestingly enough her destiny was a protected and conscious existence only until next Thanksgiving, so she was never christened.   Turkey turkey was, however, smarter than all the farmers in this village; she follows everyone in the family, serenely gobbling, and waiting to jump up into someone's lap to be petted and talked to.
Michaela looked it up on the internet and says that turkey turkey will likely live here another 12-years.  (Carol and I think the poor baby follows everyone around and is just begging the family for a name.)

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