Monday, April 25, 2011

Sofia and Sara Go to Neighbors on Easter Monday

"Sarah, you did what
to the lady in that house?"

Sarah meets another child from the village on Easter Monday.

"Stay right behind me
mom, 'case I forget a part."

Sarah waits patiently for Sofia to finish her required solo of the Easter song because Sarah knows that when it is over it is egg and candy time.

The song is about six-stanzas so the adults are always very appreciative when a child can sing the whole song beginning to end without error.
"You big people want
a shot of Slivovice?"

This villager sits in front of her wood fueled oven and stove as she ties a ribbon onto Sarah's whip.  She prepared, as did all the homes, quite a wide variety of open-faced sandwiches, some Czech casseroles, and of course some desserts -- all delicious.

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