Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Preparing Animal Feed at Ranch Srbsko

The Farm Users Manual says
never pull out the bottom bales first
This is the end of this year's 3,000 bales of hay.  In keeping with the philosophy and practices of permaculture this hay is fed as well as used for animal bedding.  Subsequently the bedding is then placed anywhere weeds are not wanted where it not only prevents weeds but also rots and returns nutrients to the soil.  In the rafters, salted hides hang waiting to go to the tanners. Justin also sells the bales of hay and his many customers come to the Ranch to pickup their order. Ranch Srbsko received its official government certification this month as an organic farm (no chemicals, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms of any type in the farming.)

Whole oats off their stems and dried.

This leather belt driven grain roller is not an OSHA approved operation

Justin metering the raw oats into the rolling machine

Quaker would be so jealous!

Viola!  Rolled oats for the goats, chickens, duck, turkey, and rabbits -- unfortunately the cat's palate prefers warm mouse. 

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