Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Energizer Bunnies

Two little Czech/American girls that have their grandma and their grandpa wrapped around their little fingers.  The tallest is Sofia and the shorter is Sarah, four and two respectively.

They both attend the Montessori school that is owned and managed by mom Michaela. (more pictures to come when we have a personal tour of the school.)

Oh,  I'm not that cute,
but if grandma says so
 it must be true!

When born this one asked the doctor why he'd slapped her on the bum, and she hasn't stopped talking since!  She is also very dramatic and never ceases to amaze us with her outgoing personality. 

I'm four and my interests are
entomology and botany!

Sofia collects insects, seriously.  She also helps with each and every chore on the farm.  When goats have to be "collected" for milking; it is Sofia who walks right up to them, takes them by the collar, and leads them wherever necessary -- no one else on the farm is this trusted by the goats.

She also cares for Tessie (the guinea pig).  After school everyday Sofia checks on Tessie to ensure she has water and food.

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