Sunday, May 8, 2011


One of the one-lane highways
 we took going to Podebrady
There are main highways between larger cities that are akin to our four lane freeways; however, the remainder of the roads, between villages are single lane. Pedestrians that generally are without sidewalks have the right-of-way as do bicyclists.  Now imagine a winding, climbing mountain road with many pedestrians, several bicyclists a curve coming up and an as yet an unseen full size tour bus, a tractor, a logging truck and some type-A personalities in cars trying to pass the commercial vehicles; all of this presented to you as you negotiate the curve.  This is why I'd rather not drive here, it's like a
Disneyland "E-ticket" ride!

There are, however, surprisingly few accidents and Justin says surprisingly little litigation in this country.

First impression?  "It's our kinda place!" 
Many one lane roads later we arrived in a spa town named Podebrady;  Justin took us on a tour.  It is a large village devoted to health recovery following serious illness or surgery, so it is replete with walk ways, gardens, and places to sit in the shade of large trees.

"I left my heart in Podebrady"
Some clever fellow with a plasma torch constructed these three metal sculptures, but if I had just finished serious heart surgery I don't think I'd need a reminder as to why I was there but oh well they are pretty.

The Young at
Look out when we get home
that's the Fountain of
Youth behind us! 

Our tour guide and of
course his mother.

Could be a view
from our window
Justin always said that when we got "old" he would put us in a nice home.  We're wondering if this is what he had in mind?  He's such a nice boy.

"What time is it?" 
"What'd you say?"
You know that only old people visit here; why else would they make a clock this big?  And, outta flowers no less.  We have reservations for a two night visit here 24 - 26 June and one of our next blogs will provide a run-down of our stay.

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