Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Czech Fly

A good fly! 
 In case you are not acquainted with the animal kingdom's Messerschmitt, here it is; it is Hitler reincarnated.  These flies sound like a Messerschmitt  when flying around you and when they bite they draw blood and you swear you've been stung by a bee.  Fortunately  horseflies are as stupid as they are slow on take off.  Somehow, they've evolved to believe that a shot of their prey's blood is a cool meal following their stinging bite. That was pretty much this guy's mistake in that following this, his last bite, he was dispatched from this mortal coil again, perhaps to be an ameoba in someone's septic tank (I hope).  In my ever developing sense of tolerance, noise and flies are never going to make the inclusion list, in fact,  the only good fly is a dead fly.

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